On June 13, 2024, the Bombay High Court granted an ad-interim injunction in favor of Karan Johar, restraining Indiapride Advisory Pvt Ltd. from using his name and attributes in their film’s title, citing unlawful exploitation of his celebrity status and potential public confusion. Continue Reading Court halts release of film exploiting Karan Johar’s celebrity status
This post was first published on 23rd June, 2014.
Intellectual Property (IP) has been continuously evolving. It is now not restricted to just categories like Patents, Trademark, Designs and Copyrights. Judicial activism has widened the scope of IP to cater to new forms of protection, one such addition is "Personality Rights".
Personality Rights are made up of two kinds of rights: the Right to publicity and the Right to privacy. The Right to publicity which is usually attributed to celebrities or famous people is of great…
This post was first published on November 13th, 2011.
“Right of Publicity” is a common reference to "Personality rights". It is a right of an individual to control the commercial use of his or her name, image, likeness or identity. It is generally considered a property right as opposed to a personal right. In most of the countries, the Right of Publicity is recognized under statutes.
According to John Lock, “the economic value of identity should be allocated to the celebrity individual…