This post was originally published on 18th December, 2011.
Bayer and Cipla have recently settled trade mark litigation with respect to Advantage and Advantix trade marks. These trade marks were registered by Bayer at the USPTO and are being used for veterinary products. Cipla has been marketing one of its pet products under the trade mark, DA Double Advantage with the aid of an online supplier called Archipelago. Aggrieved by Cipla's actions, Bayer filed a suit in a US court…
First Publication Date: 6th January 2010
The Appellant, who is the patent holder of a patent relating to a pattern of a plough having a twist filed an infringement suit against the Respondent alleging that sale of similar ploughs amounts to infringement and applied for interim injunction against the Respondent during the pendency of the proceedings. In response, the Respondent denied the allegation of the Appellant by stating that the plough patented by the Appellant was not infringed because the patent…