Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

How to Choose a Patent Attorney: Important Considerations When Choosing

How to Choose a Patent Attorney: Important Considerations When Choosing

When you have an idea for a new product, it’s exciting. But until you file for a patent, that idea is also very fragile. If someone else comes up with the same ideas and files for a patent first, your idea could be stolen from you before you even get a chance to protect it. Read More. Continue Reading How to Choose a Patent Attorney: Important Considerations When Choosing

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Why Perform an IP Audit? 5 Reasons

Why Perform an IP Audit? 5 Reasons

When you’re launching a new product, service, or marketing plan, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget about all the pitfalls that lie ahead. An intellectual property audit is an excellent way to identify potential IP opportunities and risks before they become real problems. Read More.. Continue Reading Why Perform an IP Audit? 5 Reasons

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This image depicts the title Strategic IP Audits. This image is relevant because this post talks about a presentation on the said topic made at NLSIU. Click on the image to view full post.

Strategic IP Audits – Presentation by Dr. Kalyan & Somashekhar

The presentation herein, by Dr. Kalyan Kankanala and Somashekar, was given at the National Law School of India University. Broadly speaking, the presentation takes us through the industries of Machine Tools, Plastics and Foundry. Keeping these industries in mind, major areas of IP are looked into such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, designs and trade secrets. Planning strategic IP audits using the available protectable IP in these industries along with the awareness of the actual protected IP is highlighted. It comes to…

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