The Delhi High Court has sent a trademark application for the word “Bharat” with a device back to the examiner for re-evaluation. While a previous court order ruled the mark distinctive, it failed to address objections about potential genericness. This case highlights the importance of a thorough trademark examination process. Continue Reading The Delhi High Court directs the Examiner to advertise the ‘Bharat’ mark after examining all the objections.
The Delhi High Court has faulted the Patent Office for rejecting a patent application without adequate reasoning. The case involved a beverage can closure design, and the Controller’s decision lacked clarity and failed to address the applicant’s arguments effectively. The Court has sent the case back for a proper re-examination, highlighting the need for thoroughness in patent application reviews. Continue Reading Patent refusal order set aside, matter remanded back for DeNovo consideration
The Delhi High Court ruled that common words like “KONDRU” and “LOBAN” in the context of ayurvedic products cannot be exclusively trademarked. This decision highlights the importance of distinctiveness in trademark registration. Continue Reading The words ‘KONDRU’ and ‘LOBAN’ are Publici Juris, says the Delhi High Court
This blog post summarizes four recent trademark cases from various High Courts across India, and provides important takeaways relating to trademarks. In one of the cases, the Karnataka High Court pointed out that a trademark infringement suit can be stayed if a rectification is pending against the same trademark, although it was filed by another party. In another suit, the Delhi High Court, allowed the Defendant in the suit to conduct business under a modified name during the pendency of…
Software giant Bentley Systems successfully obtained an injunction from the Delhi High Court against a company for copyright infringement of its software programs. This case highlights the legal recourse available to software companies in India to protect their intellectual property. Continue Reading Delhi High Court issues injunction against Software Piracy
Explore the Delhi High Court’s latest judgments in trademark law, analyzing the distinctiveness and registrability of ‘NATURE’S VARIETY’, ‘Kavach’, and ‘Oleev Active’, and their impact on Indian intellectual property rights. Continue Reading Indian Courts on Trademark Law: Key Decisions Review – Part 8
In today's world, our personal information is often shared and stored online. It's important to know how this information is protected and what rights we have if someone misuses it. Here at BananaIP Counsels, we're sharing recent cases from India that deal with these issues. These cases will help you understand what the law says about data protection and privacy.
Data privacy violation by ex-employee:
Ex-employee injuncted from using the prior employer's client and pricing data, and the commission was appointed…
Join BananaIP Counsels’ discussion forum on ‘Getting a Patent in One Year’ for startups, SMEs, and innovators. Learn strategies to expedite patent grants in India and leverage IP for business growth. Register now! Continue Reading Accelerate Your Patent Journey: Join BananaIP’s Discussion Forum on “Getting a Patent in One Year”
A patent attorney can help companies to protect their inventions and to commercialise their technology. They can provide advice on the patentability of an invention, on the drafting of patent applications, and on infringement and validity issues. In addition, they can offer other services, such as freedom-to-operate opinions, due diligence reports, and patent portfolio management. Read More Continue Reading What are the Benefits of working with a Patent Attorney?
This week's antitrust and data privacy updates are -
Google to face more antitrust charges in the EU
In a streak of antitrust proceedings ongoing against Google in India, the U.S. tech company is potentially facing further charges before the EU Competition Commission. In a Reuters report, it was stated that the EU Commission is likely to be in the process of framing charges against Google, owing to the slow pace of the ongoing settlement with the company. Google has been…