Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

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Wankel Engine, Although Revving not Revolutionary

This post was first published on 13th June 2014.   What's the one thing that is common between a 1975 Suzuki RE5 motorcycle and a Mazda Taiki supercar? Believe the answer would be - the Engine. Both these vehicles are powered by an engine called the ‘Wankel Engine’. Ranging from a simple single cylinder engine that powers our motorcycles with great mileage, to advanced SCRAM jet engine that propels hyper-sonic airplanes to an astonishing speed of 10,000 km/h, IC engines have evolved over…

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Driving on Hydrogen

First Publication Date: 11th January 2011.   It has been reported that Tata Motors has invested $15milliion on the research being conducted at MIT which aims at using water as a fuel to run cars. Every one  is today keen to know about what is the need for this research and how it is possible? The conventional sources of energy for power generation are non-renewable and are depleting fast. As a result, the automobile industry is heading towards a crisis due to running…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Caterpillar Patents Next Generation IC Engines

Conventional IC engines generally use diesel or petrol as a mode of fuel in the combustion chamber for generating power. A major problem with this is that the IC engine emits harmful gases into the atmosphere resulting in adverse effects on living things and environment. Another problem that the IC engines faces is the lack of fuel efficiency. Caterpillar is a leader in manufacturing heavy duty vehicles and earth movers like bulldozers, articulated trucks, excavators, compactors, harvesters, etc. The firm…

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Ford Patents the future with Mechanical Inventions

  Befitting its tagline, “Go further”, American multinational automaker Ford Motor Company has gone further and patented a Mechanical Invention concept in the US for an autonomous car that can reconfigure its seats and can make a car interior into a living room. The future open ups its possibilities into the world of autonomous cars or self driving cars. Ultimately, the goal of self-driving cars is to require nothing of the passengers, therefore seats that face the front of the car…

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Automobile Patents: Moment-cancelling Four Stroke Engine

In the world of super cars and super bikes, we often sideline the numerous components which go into making these ‘mean machines’. One such component is the internal combustion engine (ICE). An ICE is a heat engine where the combustion of fuel occurs with an oxidizer, in a combustion chamber, that is essential to the working fluid flow circuit. Internal combustion Engines are in general subjected to torsional vibrations due to the moment produced by the reciprocating pistons connected to…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Industrial Designs for Automobile Industry in India- A Presentation by Mr. Sarthak Saran

This presentation was delivered by Sarthak Saran as a part of the course for senior management and IP Officers in the automobile industry. The presentation covers: Industrial Design definition Industrial design registration process in India Industrial design infringement relating to automobile industry Industrial design protection strategy relating to automobile industry Industrial design registration survey report related to automobile industry Through this presentation, Mr. Sarthak  Saran introduced the participants to the concept of designs in the automobile industry. He discussed the…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Automobile Invention Disclosure- A Presentation by Nitin Nair and Naveen KM

This presentation was delivered by Nitin Nair and Naveen KM as a part of the course for senior management and IP Officers in the automobile industry. The presentation covers: Disclosure of Invention Inventor information Title of invention Background Information Date/proof of conception Disclosure(s) Brought to practice Collaboration Description Figure(s) Invention information The presentation given here covers details about Invention Disclosure Form (IDF), and the way to fill an IDF. An inventor needs to provide various legal as well as…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Patent Prosecution in the Automobile Industry

    This presentation was delivered by Aishwarya Narayan as a part of the course for senior management and IP Officers in the Automobile Industry. The presentation covers: Concept of  Patent prosecution Activities until grant of application-search, drafting, filing, amendment, responses etc Patent prosecution process Requirements for grant of a patent Machine or Transformation test Bilski v. Kappos Concept of Novelty Concept of Non-obviousness Specification support Requirements for prosecuting a patent…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Automobile Patents, Infringement and Indian Patent Law – A Presentation by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala

This presentation was delivered by Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala as a part of the course for senior management and IP Officers in the Automobile Industry. The presentation covers: Patent Infringement Basics; Freedom To Operate Analysis for Automotive Sector - Issues and Challenges; Literal Infringement and Doctrine of Equivalence in India; Claim Construction, Analysis and Element Mapping; All Elements Rule; Pith and Substance, Substantial Equivalence; Example of Jack Holder; Example of Flipable Seat;…

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Selden’s Patent – A Historical Patent for the Automobile Industry

This post was first published on June 20th, 2014. The name that is most often associated with Automobile patents is Henry Ford, in addition to Alexander Winton, Karl Benz, and others. Supposedly, Ford’s first experience with the patent system was not as an “Inventor” but as an “Infringer”, who allegedly infringed a US patent titled “Road Engine” granted to Selden (Patent No. 549160) in 1895. Selden’s patent, with a three-page description, five drawings, and 6 claims, controlled the entire US…

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