Copyright Statistics 2019 Recap

Copyright Statistics 2019 Recap

A total of 21,153 applications for copyright registrations were filed in the year 2019. There was an increase of 3126 applications in comparison to the total number of applications for the year 2018, which was 18,027.
There was an increase of 17.3% in the total number of copyright applications filed during the year 2019 as compared to 2018. The majority of applications filed in the year 2019 were for literary/dramatic works, followed by artistic works and the least number of applications were filed for musical works.

Monthly Applications

In the year 2019, the least number of applications were made during the month of March, while the maximum applications were made during the month of November.
The average number of applications per month was 1763.
The following chart represents the number of copyright applications filed in each month in 2019:

The following table provides detailed data for the month-wise applications for each type of work:

Month Literary/Dramatic Work Artistic Work Musical Work Cinematograph Work Computer Software Sound Recording Total
January 879 526 18 30 119 35 1607
February 968 456 29 107 144 36 1740
March 992 334 24 7 141 43 1542
April 987 462 23 18 135 106 1731
May 913 412 36 17 196 65 1639
June 1000 602 16 47 141 111 1917
July 1099 498 33 17 125 154 1928
August 1024 511 29 9 120 78 1771
September 844 579 21 21 106 50 1621
October 967 377 25 10 146 116 1641
November 1128 518 43 46 137 190 2062
December 1097 506 23 17 169 142 1954
Total 11898 5781 320 346 1679 1126 21153

Noteworthy Copyright Applications Filed During 2019

The music recording company, Super Cassettes Industries Pvt. Ltd. applied for several copyrights for sound recordings, all in the month of October. These include the song titled “Chogada” from the film Loveyatri, “O Saki Saki” from the film Batla House, and “Bekhayali” from the film Kabir Singh, among others. Interestingly, these songs are among the most popular songs released during the year, though the copyright applications were filed after the respective films were released in theatres. From the South Indian film industry, Sony Music Entertainment applied to register the copyright for the two most popular songs of the year, titled “Azaghiye” and “Saarattu Vandiliya”, both of which have over 10 million views.

Authored and compiled by Neharika Vhatkar (Associate, BananaIP Counsels) and Sruthi Sundharesan (Legal Intern)
The Copyright Statistics Bulletin is brought to you by the Consulting/Strategy Division of BananaIP Counsels, a Top IP Firm in India. If you have any questions, or need any clarifications, please write to  with the subject: Copyright Statistics.
Disclaimer: Please note that the news bulletin has been put together from different sources, primary and secondary, and BananaIP’s reporters may not have verified all the news published in the bulletin. You may write to for corrections and take down.

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