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Patent Claims x

Bilski’s Invention Falls, Business Methods Survive

First Publication Date: 29th June 2010 The much awaited Bilski decision has been pronounced by the US Supreme Court (Bilski v. Kappos). This closely watched and highly discussed case revolves around patentability of Bilski's hedging of risks business method invention. From the day when the patent examiner rejected Bilski's claims calling them 'mere manipulation of an abstract idea' the controversy has given rise to a lot of potent questions including the likes of patentability of software and business methods and restrictions…

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The image depicts the Sun Microsystems.

Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) – Version 1.0

First Publication Date: 3rd March 2009 The CDDL was formulated by Sun Microsystems for development and distribution of some of its software. The license is considered to be one of the most popular licenses. Some of the softwares released under CDDL include, OpenSolaris, NetBeans IDE and RCP, GlassFish, JWSDP and so on.Rights Any person receiving a software under CDDL gets a world wide, non-exclusive and royalty-free license over the software. The license grants the following rights over the software: Copyrights The…

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The featured image shows an electronic tab with the a collage of words. The focus word being computer software. The present article will help you in Understanding Software Inventions in India and US. To read more click here.

Computer – Inventions that Revolutionized the world

Image by Alexander Schaelss Computing started when humans started analyzing based on numbers. In earlier times, people used various methods for the purpose of calculation. For example, papyrus helped early men to record languages and numbers. Later Abacus made of beads took charge as an arithmetic processing device. Since then processing units kept evolving. However, a major breakthrough came when the zero and the binary system were invented by Indians. The world moved from beads to bits. The first computer was a…

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