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Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story- Injunction

Bombay High Court Grants Dynamic Injunction in Copyright Infringement Suit against Instagram Account Holders

Introduction BananaIP is pleased to report on a recent copyright infringement case that has captured the attention of the entertainment industry. In a legal battle initiated by the producers of the highly acclaimed web series, Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, the Bombay High Court has issued a significant ruling. The court granted a dynamic injunction against 32 Instagram account holders and unknown parties, commonly referred to as John Doe defendants. This article provides an overview of the case and…

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Intellepedia - IP News Updates

Suggestions on the Amendment of the Copyright Act, 1957- Part III

Suggestions on the Amendment of the Copyright Act, 1957- Part III Section 31B Reasons for suggested amendments Section 31B provides for the issuance of a compulsory license to publish a copyrighted work for the benefit of disabled persons. The suggested amendments broaden the scope of the provision, and bring the nature of the license and the procedure for obtaining a license in line with the statutory license provisions under Section 31C and 31D. By permitting statutory licensing for such works, more…

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