Celebrating 20 Years of IP Excellence

Indian Copyright Statistics

Indian Copyright Statistics-March to May 2021

A compilation of the statistics for the Indian copyright applications during the months of March-May 2021, is given below. MARCH AND APRIL 2021 In the month of April 2021 there has been a decrease of 4% in the total number of copyright applications filed, as compared to the month of March 2021. A total of 2275 applications were filed in March 2021 and a total of 2187 filed in April 2021. The majority of applications were filed for literary/ dramatic works,…

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If I Could Copyright… My Book: Copyrights and Writers (Part 5)

If I Could Copyright… My Audio: Copyrights and Writers (Part 7)

This post deals with filing of copyright registration application for protection of Sound recording. As elaborated in our previous post, audio books are protected under copyright act as sound recordings. With the rise of various platform for audio books, like Audible, Google Play Books, Kobo Books, Bookmobile, etc., the market for audiobooks is growing with tremendous pace. In this scenario, it is recommended that writers should file a copyright registration application for registering their audiobooks under copyright law. Either the writer…

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